Do you believe you are destined to have a low vibration?

Do you believe that you are destined to have a low vibration forever?  Maybe you feel like you are in a constant tug of war with your vibration  and you’re telling yourself a story that simply isn’t true. If so, then  listen here and claim 100% responsibility for YOUR vibration.

Are you ready to jump start your spiritual life and embrace metaphysics  as part of your daily faith journey? Apply for membership in my FB group  of almost 5,000 beautiful souls, The Metaphysical Christian, today:

What is the next step for you to create an  integrated life of metaphysical Christianity? Begin by downloading this  FREE guide that I have created for you to begin the journey of  discovering what *your* metaphysical gifts are:

Are you spiritually bypassing to avoid your inner journey? It will pull your vibration down.

URL Slug: are-you-spiritually-bypassing-to-avoid-your-inner-journey-it-will-pull-your-vibration-down

SEO Description: What is spiritual bypassing? It’s taking shortcuts that *seem* helpful,  but don’t actually get you what you want in the name of doing something  “spiritual” — and it can keep your vibration way low and down.

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